
Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Yesterday we went sledding with Johnny, Ashley, JJ and Jack. (Though Jack slept in the car the whole time). We went to a little park in Draper that has a good hill for kids...not too steep, and pretty safe. It was snowing and kind of cold, but I think JJ had a great time.

When we left JJ cried. Good Times!

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Clarks Visit

We were lucky enough to spend some time with Johnny, Ashley, JJ, and Jack this past weekend. They came down to visit and Ashley and the kids are staying until Christmas. Johnny had to go back to work yesterday, buyt he'll be back in time for Christmas. JJ was quite the entertainer and is really starting to talk up a storm. He was fun to play with. Jack is starting to sit up on his own. Little kids are so cute when they get excited and their whole body goes crazy...and Jack is no exception...very cute.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Heather's in Ecuador

Well my little girl left for Ecuador on the 20th of November. She had been anxiously awaiting the day for such a long time. I'm not really sure how she came up with the idea of doing something like this, but I think it's pretty cool that she wanted to serve others. She did it all on her own. She worked two jobs and saved her money. She asked for Sponsors to help her pay for the trip (THANK YOU TO ALL THOSE THAT HELPED HER OUT). Anyways I'm very proud of her.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Lots of things it's been a while since I've updated my blog and a lot has happened.

First: We moved! We'd been trying to sell our house for a few months and finally got an offer that we accepted. It was bought by a family that lived a few houses away from ours. They had always liked it and it was a bigger and better than theirs. I'm kind of sad about leaving that house...I really liked it. The new place is a brand new construction out in Riverton. While the house is slightly bigger, the lot is significantly smaller. Previously, it would take me about 3 hours to cut the grass and take care of the yard every Saturday, but now it will only take about 15 minutes once we get the landscaping in.

Second: We are Grandparents again. Johnny and Ashley had little baby Jack! I can't wait to see him. They moved to Oregon a few months ago because Barrett and Collette were driving them crazy. :) Anyways, Jack Gerrard Clark was born on June 25th and he is healthy and strong. I'm envious of the fun and memories that Johnny and Ashley will have raising two little boys.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Make my Day

I have begun to notice a disturbing trend. As I click on different links to different blogs, I'm finding that most blogs seem to be by chicks. It makes me wonder if I'm not supposed to be doing this or perhaps I'm way in touch with my feminine side. So today I will talk about Clint.

I have always liked Clint Eastwood. My favorite movie of his had to be Pale Rider, but then some of his classics (Fistful of Dollars, The Good The Bad and The Ugly) were awesome too. The dude is a stud, but I bet he doesn't have a blog either. Dang, I'm all messed up.

"I know what you're thinking. Did he fire six shots or only five? Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, I've kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a 44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clear off, you've got to ask yourself one question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya punk?"

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Onward and Upward

Most of you probably already know that Johnny, Ashley, and JJ are moving up to Oregon. I'm kind of sad about it all, but I know that is will be a good experience for them. It will be hard not seeing them every few days. Johnny works for Fidelity Investments and had a great opportunity to work up in Oregon. He seems pretty happy about it and we are very proud of him. He totally deserves everything that he has been blessed with.

Today at church I saw JJ. It just kills me when little kids reach out for you. Anyways, Katherine was holding him and when he saw me he reached out. I was about to snatch him away from Grandma Kitty and moved in closer. JJ then took his hand made a little fist and hit me in the chest. He laughed as I feigned serious injury and stumbled backwards. I approached again and again he let me have it. With a big smile on his face...he watched Grandpa stumble around like a fool. I love my grandson and will miss him.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Her name is Katherine...mine is "Lucky"

What is her name? Katherine Sue Eyre. Her family calls her "Kath" or "Kathy", but for some reason I have always called her Katherine.

How long have we been together? We were married on May 29, 1987, so that would make it 20 years, 9 months, and 10 days...and worth every minute of it, except for 2.

How old is she? She looks much much younger than she is. Should I put her age? Yes. She is 45. Check out her picture below and tell me she doesn't look like a day over 29.
How long did we date? Oh Great...I'll be in trouble if I don't get this right. I'm going to say like 7 months....or perhaps I should say, "We are still dating!"

Who said I love you first? She waited for me to say took me a long time...she was beautiful and I was shy.

Who is taller? I'm taller

Who can sing better? Katherine, definitely!

Who is smarter? Another trick question to get me in trouble. She is smarter, and I'm no fool!

Who does the laundry? She does, and she hates every minute of it.

Who does the dishes? We both do. I do the Sunday dishes, but she does them most of the other times.

Who pays the bills? I pay most of them, but she has a few of her own. I hope it's only a few.

Who sleeps on the right side? I sleep on the right, anything else just doesn't seem right.

Who mows the lawn? That one is all mine and it's a huge lawn and it takes almost and entire Saturday...and I actually don't mind it too much.

Who cooks dinner? She cooks really good. Can I just say her Chicken Noodle soup would be enough to make me love her forever...and her chocolate chip cookies.

Who drives? If we are together, I drive. If she is by herself, she drives.

Who kissed who first? I kissed her, on the ugly brown couch she had in her apartment.

Who proposed? Well she kept showing up at all my hangouts, so I kind of had to.

Who is more stubborn? Katherine

Who is more sensitive? Me

Who has more siblings? She has got 11...nobody beats 11

Who wears the pants? I wear the pants...that she picks out for me!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Work...not fun

So yesterday I went to work. Monday's typically are the worst, because I have lots of meetings. But yesterday was out of control on the meetings. I got to work at about 8:30am. Meeting at 9:00 with the London lasted just over an hour. Meeting at lasted a half hour. Another meeting with the other managers at ran long and got over at 12:45. So much for grabbing lunch. I had another meeting with a vendor scheduled for 1:00pm, so for lunch I got to wolf down some Sun Chips and a Sprite. The vendor shows up early so I made him wait while I licked the Sun Chip crumbs out of the bag. I then had a meeting at 2:00 with my finishes at 2:30pm. Then I'm trying to work on some legal documentation, and my boss calls another meeting at last for an hour. Just in time for another meeting with the Engineering department...which finishes at 4:30pm. At 4:33pm, my boss calls wondering why I haven't sent him the revised legal documents yet...there's a long silent pause on my end of the boss smartly says "umm...why don't you just work on them tomorrow?"

Friday, January 25, 2008

Lemmings! it is, my first blog. I've thought about it for a little while, but never figured I'd get around to it. But since everyone else seems to be blogging, I thought I'd simply follow the crowd. I doubt I'll keep it up very well, but every so often I'll put up some smart-alec comments. How do you spell smart-alec? smart alex? smartalic? I'm not sure where that term even came from but you hopefully get my drift.