What is her name? Katherine Sue Eyre. Her family calls her "Kath" or "Kathy", but for some reason I have always called her Katherine.
How long have we been together? We were married on May 29, 1987, so that would make it 20 years, 9 months, and 10 days...and worth every minute of it, except for 2.
How old is she? She looks much much younger than she is. Should I put her age? Yes. She is 45. Check out her picture below and tell me she doesn't look like a day over 29.
How long have we been together? We were married on May 29, 1987, so that would make it 20 years, 9 months, and 10 days...and worth every minute of it, except for 2.
How old is she? She looks much much younger than she is. Should I put her age? Yes. She is 45. Check out her picture below and tell me she doesn't look like a day over 29.
How long did we date? Oh Great...I'll be in trouble if I don't get this right. I'm going to say like 7 months....or perhaps I should say, "We are still dating!"
Who said I love you first? She waited for me to say it...it took me a long time...she was beautiful and I was shy.
Who is taller? I'm taller
Who can sing better? Katherine, definitely!
Who is smarter? Another trick question to get me in trouble. She is smarter, and I'm no fool!
Who does the laundry? She does, and she hates every minute of it.
Who does the dishes? We both do. I do the Sunday dishes, but she does them most of the other times.
Who pays the bills? I pay most of them, but she has a few of her own. I hope it's only a few.
Who sleeps on the right side? I sleep on the right, anything else just doesn't seem right.
Who mows the lawn? That one is all mine and it's a huge lawn and it takes almost and entire Saturday...and I actually don't mind it too much.
Who cooks dinner? She cooks really good. Can I just say her Chicken Noodle soup would be enough to make me love her forever...and her chocolate chip cookies.
Who drives? If we are together, I drive. If she is by herself, she drives.
Who kissed who first? I kissed her, on the ugly brown couch she had in her apartment.
Who proposed? Well she kept showing up at all my hangouts, so I kind of had to.
Who is more stubborn? Katherine
Who is more sensitive? Me
Who has more siblings? She has got 11...nobody beats 11

Who said I love you first? She waited for me to say it...it took me a long time...she was beautiful and I was shy.
Who is taller? I'm taller
Who can sing better? Katherine, definitely!
Who is smarter? Another trick question to get me in trouble. She is smarter, and I'm no fool!
Who does the laundry? She does, and she hates every minute of it.
Who does the dishes? We both do. I do the Sunday dishes, but she does them most of the other times.
Who pays the bills? I pay most of them, but she has a few of her own. I hope it's only a few.
Who sleeps on the right side? I sleep on the right, anything else just doesn't seem right.
Who mows the lawn? That one is all mine and it's a huge lawn and it takes almost and entire Saturday...and I actually don't mind it too much.
Who cooks dinner? She cooks really good. Can I just say her Chicken Noodle soup would be enough to make me love her forever...and her chocolate chip cookies.
Who drives? If we are together, I drive. If she is by herself, she drives.
Who kissed who first? I kissed her, on the ugly brown couch she had in her apartment.
Who proposed? Well she kept showing up at all my hangouts, so I kind of had to.
Who is more stubborn? Katherine
Who is more sensitive? Me
Who has more siblings? She has got 11...nobody beats 11

Who wears the pants? I wear the pants...that she picks out for me!
Nice work Mike I'm very impressed. You did well!! I'm glad you did my tag!!
Jerk! Just kidding. I saw the comment you posted on my blog. And at first I didn't know who it was from and I was all sad. But then I saw it was from you and I was really happy. Even though what you said was rude I was just glad that you made a comment on my blog!
you two love birds make me sick! :)
thank you uncie Mike for your note I love yours too
love Sadie
Ya nice work mike but your making me sick! I must say, Katherine is so very lucky to have a guy like you, your so sweet. I love all the pictures you did good!
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