
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Work...not fun

So yesterday I went to work. Monday's typically are the worst, because I have lots of meetings. But yesterday was out of control on the meetings. I got to work at about 8:30am. Meeting at 9:00 with the London lasted just over an hour. Meeting at lasted a half hour. Another meeting with the other managers at ran long and got over at 12:45. So much for grabbing lunch. I had another meeting with a vendor scheduled for 1:00pm, so for lunch I got to wolf down some Sun Chips and a Sprite. The vendor shows up early so I made him wait while I licked the Sun Chip crumbs out of the bag. I then had a meeting at 2:00 with my finishes at 2:30pm. Then I'm trying to work on some legal documentation, and my boss calls another meeting at last for an hour. Just in time for another meeting with the Engineering department...which finishes at 4:30pm. At 4:33pm, my boss calls wondering why I haven't sent him the revised legal documents yet...there's a long silent pause on my end of the boss smartly says "umm...why don't you just work on them tomorrow?"


Julie said...

You are such a hard worker! I am glad I don't work at a place that has meetings. That is unless I want to hold one with my little empolyees!! Look at it this way, you could always be changing diapers all day long!!

cathol said...

Mike, I got your blog address from Ashley, this should be fun to be able to read about life outside of